Toy riddle
What is this patent about?
The title of this patent is
"animal toy," and he says it may be made of "wood" or
"wood composites." That's right; the dude is trying to patent the
admire this man's vision. We guess he was just sitting in the park one day with
his dog, saw a nearby twig, and had the revolutionary idea to throw the
stick and make the dog chase it. We can totally picture the dog bringing
the stick back and this guy's eyes going wide. He slowly lifts the stick to his
face and says, "EUREKA!" then goes sprinting through the park, waving
the stick in strangers' faces and shouting, "Compared to me, Thomas Edison
was turds."
that may have been reasonable if the above events had taken place in, say,
12,000 B.C., instead of 1999 when the patent was filed. It doesn't matter now,
this guy's got the stick patent and soon every forest in the planet is about to
be sued out of existence for infringement.
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